

The Harvard Medical School Department of Biomedical Informatics and Boston Children’s Hospital Computational Health Informatics Program have held a series of meetings catalyzing major inflection points in the trajectory of health information technology. The links on this page will take you to in-depth coverage of each meeting.

Unlike exploratory meetings, pure business conferences and conventional academic colloquia, the Harvard invitational meetings have been designed to forge interdisciplinary partnerships, combining nearly two decades of federally funded research at Harvard with the know-how of industry leaders, governments, NGOs, and leading academics. Extraordinary keynote speakers include Mitch Kapor, Clayton Christensen, Eric Horvitz, Regina Herzlinger, Doug Solomon, DJ Patil, and Atul Gawande.

2022 Multi-solving Population Data Use with SMART Bulk FHIR Access. Focused on exploring new opportunities created by the December 2022 requirement for all certified HIT to support SMART on FHIR and SMART/HL7 bulk FHIR. Involved panel and discussion sessions about using data for multiple use cases, including population health use cases.

2022 SMART Quality Measures Symposium. The SMART team convened this invite-only event in June 2022 with our advisory committee and some selected payer and provider partners with a clear focus: Taking advantage of what is universally available, can we spark an ecosystem of quality measurement, based on native, universally available FHIR resources?

2019 SMART Flat FHIR / Bulk Data Meeting. After the initial version of the FHIR bulk data standard was balloted by HL7, the SMART team gathered stakeholders from across the healthcare ecosystem to talk about bulk data use cases and experience, and think about next steps for the standard and its use.

2017 Population Level Data Export / FLAT FHIR Meeting. On behalf of the ONC, The Boston Children’s Hospital Computational Health Informatics Program and SMART hosted a meeting to discuss standardizing bulk data exports from EHR systems and data warehouse environments. The meeting brought together key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to understand and guide the technical roadmap and regulatory environment for population level data export from health information systems using FHIR.

2017 ITdotHealth IV SMART Decisions.Organized by the SMART team after congress passed the 21st Century Cures Act, which requires APIs that provide access to all data elements of a patient’s electronic health record. This meeting drew leaders from across healthcare interested in driving AI and genomic medicine into the decision making process at the point of care, through the evolving connected apps ecosystem.

2015 ITdotHealth III—“Getting SMARTer”. Reconvened leaders from across healthcare, technology and government just as a standard public API enabling an “App Store for Health” was being adopted and promoted by industry, standards organizations, and government regulators.

2012 ITdotHealth II. Harvard Meeting on a Platform for Health Information Technology which brought together a community of leaders in health and technology to steer a national conversation around capacitating a national-scale “App Store for Health.”

2009 ITdotHealth. Harvard Meeting on a Platform for Health Information Technology which promoted the concept of an iPhone-like platform for health care information technology, and set the stage for the SMART Platforms project.

The two Harvard Meetings on Personally Controlled Health Information Infrastructure (PCHRI 2006 and PCHRI 2007) resulted in diffusion an NIH and CDC-funded personally controlled health record model through uptake by Microsoft (which used our open source software code), Google (which adopted the model) and Dossia (a consortium of large employers including Wal-Mart, AT&T and Intel, who contracted with the team to build out Indivo for provisioning to their employees).