An App Store for Your EHR? Why Not?

Pioneering Ideas (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), April 2, 2009 — Steve Downs
Up on the Project HealthDesign blog, Lygeia Ricciardi calls attention to Ken Mandl and Zak Kohane’s perspective article in the New England Journal on the need for a flexible information infrastructure in health care.  In the article,…

In the New England Journal of Medicine:
No small change for the health information economy

Mandl KD, Kohane IS. No small change for the health information economy. N Engl J Med. 2009 Mar 26;360(13):1278-81

Electronic Health Records: Lessons from the iPhone

Technology Review (MIT), March 30, 2009 — Emily Singer
Thanks to the $19 billion designated for health-care information technology in the recent stimulus bill, electronic health records (EHRs) have garnered a great deal of attention in the past few weeks. The bill sets aside $17 billion in…

Doctors Raise Doubts on Digital Health Data

The New York Times, March 25, 2009 — Steve Lohr
Now that the federal government plans to spend $19 billion to spur the use of computerized patient records, the challenge of adopting the technology widely and wisely is becoming increasingly apparent. Two articles, to be published on Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine, point…

Mandl and Kohane on Health Care Information Technology

Mark Frisse’s New Policy Blog, March 25, 2009 — Mark Frisse
In a March 26, 2009 article in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled “No Small Change for the Health Information Economy,” Kenneth D. Mandl and Isaac S. Kohane emphasize that interoperability is not sufficient to achieve the results we need. What is required, they say, is…

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Early experiences with personal health records

Halamka, J. D., Mandl, K. D., and Tang, P. C. Early experiences with personal health records. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2008;1-7

Evaluation of influenza prevention in the workplace using a personally controlled health record: randomized controlled trial

Bourgeois, F. T., Simons, W. W., Olson, K., Brownstein, J. S., and Mandl, K. D. Evaluation of influenza prevention in the workplace using a personally controlled health record: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res 2008;e5

Whose personal control? Creating private, personally controlled health records for pediatric and adolescent patients

Bourgeois, F. C., Taylor, P. L., Emans, S. J., Nigrin, D. J., and Mandl, K. D. Whose personal control? Creating private, personally controlled health records for pediatric and adolescent patients. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2008;737-43

A self-scaling, distributed information architecture for public health, research, and clinical care

McMurry, A. J., Gilbert, C. A., Reis, B. Y., Chueh, H. C., Kohane, I. S., and Mandl, K. D. A self-scaling, distributed information architecture for public health, research, and clinical care. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2007;527-33