
Serving the enterprise and beyond with informatics for integrating biology and the bedside (i2b2)

Murphy, S. N., Weber, G., Mendis, M., Gainer, V., Chueh, H. C., Churchill, S., and Kohane, I. Serving the enterprise and beyond with informatics for integrating biology and the bedside (i2b2). J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:124-30

Sharing Medical Data for Health Research: The Early Personal Health Record Experience

Weitzman E.R,, Kaci, L., and D., Mandl K. Sharing Medical Data for Health Research: The Early Personal Health Record Experience. J Med Internet Res 2010;e14

Health 2.0

The fourth annual Health 2.0 conference is abuzz about “unplatforms” — loose collections of liquid data services and interlinked apps that allow for mix-ins, mash-ups, and rapid innovation. The unplatform is “un” becaues it doesn’t rely on a central service, repository, or framework. Instead, it’s a frothy milieu of various data and services: in other words, all right ingredients for apps to emerge.
Continue reading “Health 2.0”

Update on Modular EHR Technology: Harvard’s SMArt Research

Kibbe and Klepper on Health Care, October 5, 2010 — David Kibbe and Brian Klepper
ONC awarded four Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Project (SHARP) grants earlier this year to ”…address well-documented problems that have impeded adoption of health IT and to accelerate progress towards achieving nationwide meaningful use of health IT in support of a high-performing, learning health care system.”…

Resources from Developers Meeting

We now have several resources that were created and used for our developers meeting available.
SMART Architecture Slideshow
SMART Governance Slideshow
SMART Demo Screencast

SMArt Health

The Huffington Post, September 9, 2010 — Ron Gutman
The remarkable report “Initial Lessons From the First National Demonstration Project on Practice Transformation to a Patient-Centered Medical Home,” in the May/June Annals of Family Medicine, makes this point about the state of primary care information technology (IT): “Technology needed for the PCMH [patient-centered medical home] is not plug and play. … The hodgepodge of information technology marketed to primary care practices resembles more a pile of jigsaw pieces than components of an integrated and interoperable system.”…

SMART Developers Meeting Attended by 60+ People

On August 26th, we had our first Developer’s Meeting here at the SMART headquarters at the Center for Biomedical Informatics in the Countway Library of Medicine. Over 60 academic, vendor, and government representatives participated in the event. The conversation was so lively that we were shushed by one of the librarians, which we took to be a good sign. The presentations made by Ben Adida, our lead architect, and Josh Mandel, our lead developer, may be found here. If you would like to participate in one of our upcoming events, please let us know.

Is Healthcare Ready for SMArt’er Applications??

CONNECT Blog, September 2, 2010 — Greg Fairnak
The researchers at Harvard University think so and so do I. Last week I had the chance to attend the first developer’s conference for the Substitutable Medical Applications, reusable technologies, or SMArt. The architecture will provide a set of core services to facilitate substitutable healthcare applications, or plug-ins, similar to the App Store found in the iPad, iTouch or Droid. In attendance were open source solution vendors, healthcare IT thought leaders (Stan Huff and John Halamka), commercial healthcare application vendors, researchers, software developers and federal healthcare agency representatives (FDA, VA and DoD)….

Clinical Groupware: Platforms, Not Software

The Health Care Blog, April 24, 2010 — David Kibbe
Clinical Groupware is rapidly gaining acceptance as a term describing a new class of affordable, ergonomic, and Web-based care management tools. Since David first articulated Clinical Groupware’s conceptual framework on this blog early last year, we’ve been discussing Clinical Groupware with a growing number of people and organizations who want to know what it is, where it’s going, and what problems it may solve, particularly for small and medium size medical practices, their patients and their institutional/corporate sponsors and networks…

Health IT in the cloud: A long road

Mass High Tech, June 24, 2010 — James M. Connolly
Using cloud computing in the health information technology sector makes sense from a cost basis, but it could take years for health-care providers and patients to develop solid confidence in the security of patient data in cloud environments…