Mandel on RDF Panel at SemTechBiz

Josh Mandel (second from right) spoke on a panel this week at the Semantic Technology & Business Conference, held June 2-5 in San Francisco’s Union Square. His group was there to discuss RDF as a Universal Healthcare Exchange Language, following a workshop earlier in the week that had prepared what came to be called the “Yosemite Manifesto” on the topic.

Like the other four speakers on the panel, Josh is in the business of addressing what the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology stated in its 2010 report on health IT:

The best way to manage and store data for advanced data-analytical techniques is to break data down into the smallest individual pieces that make sense to exchange or aggregate.

RDF—the Resource Description Framework—plays a key role in the SMART API. Details are provided in our developer documentation.

For more on the panel session, see the write-up on, who presented the conference along with parent company WebMediaBrands, Inc.

SMART Reverberations from Health:Refactored

Reflecting on his recent experience at the first-of-its-kind Health:Refactored conference, SMART lead architect Josh Mandel (left) said:

Health:Refactored convened a vibrant mix of doers in Health technology, with a clear focus on designing, building, and iterating on better health tools.  It was an exciting chance to meet and scheme with the broader developer community about SMART, BlueButton+, and the burgeoning marketplace of health APIs. A key theme for me: the critical importance of breaking down silo walls so patients (consumers!) and clinicians can—to echo Zak Kohane’s TEDMED mantramake their data count for them.

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How An Age-Old Chart Is Redefining Health Care

Fast Company Co.DESIGN, May 24, 2013 — Mark Wilson
In a world where organ transplants and MRIs are commonplace, pediatric growth charts don’t sound very exciting. But after spending 30 illuminating minutes on the phone with Harvard researcher Dr. Isaac Kohane, a passionate intellectual who speaks with an infectious urgency, I’m a convert…

Universal EHR? No. Universal Data Access? Yes.

Informatics Professor, May 15, 2013 — William Hersh
A recent blog posting calls for a “universal EMR” for the entire healthcare system. The author provides an example and correctly laments how lack of access to the complete data about a patient impedes optimal clinical care. I would add that quality improvement, clinical research, and public health are impeded by…

Conversations on Health Care: Dr. Kenneth Mandl, Director of the Intelligent Health Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital

Community Health Center, Inc., May 1, 2013 — Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter
PODCAST: This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Dr. Kenneth Mandl, Director of the Intelligent Health Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Mandl is a pioneer in consumer information technologies and biosurveillance, creating platforms for sharing big health data as well as assisting the…..

Progress toward interoperability in healthcare remains slow

SearchHealthIT, April 30, 2013 — Ed Burns
Recent months have seen a number of initiatives intended to advance interoperability in healthcare. Some see these moves as being—at best—baby steps toward solving the system’s connectivity challenges, while others say they continue to push the industry down a misguided path….

Health IT’s Manhattan project

Government Health IT, April 27, 2010 — Brian Robinson
With all the talk about the politics of health reform, it’s easy to forget that a major driver of the landmark legislation will be the expanded use of health IT. The award in early April of four $15 million contracts seeking health IT research “breakthroughs” was a timely reminder of its importance…

Medical Informatics: Apps, not data warehouses, are wave of future

“We need apps to solve specific problems, not warehouses to store data,” said Jon D’Amore, founder of Clinfometrics, echoing the SMART approach at the Medical Informatics World Conference on April 8. Story in Clinical Innovation + Technology by Laura Pedulli.

6 Big Data Analytics Use Cases for Healthcare IT

CIO, April 23, 2013 — Brian Eastwood
Making use of the petabytes of patient data that healthcare organizations possess requires extracting it from legacy systems, normalizing it and then building applications that can make sense of it. That’s a tall order, but the facilities that pull it off can learn a lot…

Two Contrasting Approaches to Health Care’s API Revolution

The Health Care Blog, April 11, 2013 — Andy Oram
As the health care field inches toward adoption of the computer technologies that have streamlined other industries and made them more responsive to users, it has sought ways to digitize data and make it easier to consume. I recently talked to two organizations with different approaches to sharing data: the SMART platform and the Apigee corporation. Both focus on programming APIs and thus converge on a similar vision off health care’s future. But they respond to that vision in their own ways. Differences include…