In JAMIA: The SMART Platform: early experience enabling substitutable applications for electronic health records

The team has published a technical paper on the SMART platform in JAMIA: The SMART Platform: early experience enabling substitutable applications for electronic health records [PDF].

Boston Health Technology Meetup

The SMART team recently had a chance to to interact with the Boston area health IT community. On March 6th executive director Rachel Ramoni and others joined The Greater Boston Health Technology Meetup to discuss the SMART platform. The evening’s proceedings consisted of presentations, demos and a spirited Q&A session focused heavily on how SMART can facilitate commercial app development and strategies for fostering SMART adoption.

SMART Health Information Exchanges

The SMART team is happy to announce that it’s working with Mirth Corporation, a global leader in commercial open source healthcare information technology, to SMART-enable the HealthBridge and Redwood MedNet Health Information Exchanges. The SMART API and the growing selection of SMART applications offer a great way to enhance the utility of the health data shared within these two networks. Stay tuned to for updates on this and other exciting projects.

About Mirth Corporation

Mirth is a global leader in commercial open source products and services powering healthcare interoperability and community-based care management. Mirth delivers information technology consulting, and hosts high availability secure applications. Mirth solutions are used daily by thousands of health professionals and institutions worldwide to streamline care management processes and to securely exchange health information across enterprises, communities and broad geographies. For more information visit

OpenMRS releases SMART Module

SMART and OpenMRS are proud to announce the initial release of a SMART module for OpenMRS.

This module expands the reach of the SMART API by allowing apps to run (unmodified!) on the open-source Open Medical Record System. It also provides a lightweight interface for developers who want to extend the functionality of OpenMRS.

Work on this module began as a Google Summer of Code project and continued through the fall with support from the OpenMRS team.

The initial release provides developers access to the SMART Connect API in OpenMRS. SMART REST API support is planned for a future release.

SMART @ the ONC Annual Meeting

SMART will be presenting at the ONC Annaul Meeting on November 17th.

Josh Mandel, lead architect for the SMART team, will be presenting at this year’s ONC Annual Meeting on November 17th. The focus of his presentation will be on SMART’s efforts to engage the developer community in support of the platform. You can get a front row seat to by joining the webcast.

SMART Preview Release v0.3

The SMART team has published a new preview release (v0.3) of the SMART platform. With this release, we are rolling out a number of API changes incorporating feedback from the $5K challenge, simplifying some of the infrastructure, and adding some new data types.

The SMART team has published a new preview release (v0.3) of the SMART platform. With this release, we are rolling out a number of API changes incorporating feedback from the $5K challenge, simplifying some of the infrastructure, and adding some new data types. We have already updated the public sandbox with the v0.3 code, as well as the developer’s guide.

One of the main changes with v0.3 is that SMART apps are no longer required to have a bootstrap.html. The apps are now launched directly from index.html with the oauth tokens passed as a get parameter. For a more complete run-down on updating your SMART application code, please see:

We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions about the new release.

What Killed Google Health?

Ken Mandl interviewed by WBUR’s Carey Goldberg for the Common Health Blog. He reflects on the demise of Google Health, lessons learned for the health system and for personal health records.

Challenge Winners Applaud SMART

“Polyglot Systems has developed a number of products that can improve health outcomes and decrease costs.  Despite these benefits, achieving widespread adoption is extremely difficult if the products cause any interruption in provider workflow.  This makes EMR/EHR integration essential.  The SMART Platform offers Polyglot a way to quickly and affordably integrate its products across multiple EMR and EHR systems.  By doing so, the SMART Platform lets Polyglot and other innovators deploy their solutions much more broadly and quickly than would otherwise be the case.”

Meducation SMART app could be a lifesaver

SmartPlanet, June 28, 2011 — Stacy Lipson
Now more than ever, iPhone app developers are offering iPhone applications that will improve patient safety. Polyglot Systems created the Meducation SMART app, which calculates medication lists and offers patients the ability to print and view medication instructions for prescription medications in a dozen languages…

SMART to be presented at i2b2 user’s meeting on June 29

SMART and i2b2 investigator Shawn Murphy will be presenting SMART at the June 29th i2b2 Academic User’s Group meeting!